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Opinions on Improving the Quality of Undergraduate Classroom Teaching in College of Materials Science and Engineering

In order to improve the quality of undergraduate teaching and better cultivate innovative talents with comprehensive quality, these regulations are formulated according to the relevant provisions of “Opinions of Chongqing University on Further Strengthening Undergraduate Teaching”, “Teaching Standards of Chongqing University” and “Interim Measures for Evaluating the Quality of Classroom Teaching of Teachers of Chongqing University”, and the actual situation of the College. It has been discussed and approved by the joint meeting of the party and government of the college and shall be implemented as the date of publication.

I. All on-duty teachers of the College shall participate in undergraduate classroom teaching. Each member of the "Hundred Talents Program" shall undertake at least one course per academic year; the workload of undergraduate classroom teaching shall be at least 48 hours per academic year for professors and at least two undergraduate courses per academic year for associate professors. All teachers must strictly abide by the relevant provisions of the "Teaching Standards for Teachers of Chongqing University".

II. Young teachers are assigned by each department to be supervised by experienced teachers one-on-one after they join the faculty. They must follow the core courses of their majors. For the course they will undertake, they must first follow the class for guidance, and make the notes. They can’t undertake the classroom teaching without  passing the trial lecture.

III. Teachers must prepare a complete teaching plan and make PPT according to the syllabus, and determine the reference books that students should read. The teaching plan of each class should include: teaching content, teaching purpose, teaching emphasis, teaching difficulties, teaching methods and means.

IV. Design a featured teaching mode according to the specific content and requirements of each class. Classroom teaching encourages the combination of PPT and blackboard writing, requires heuristic teaching methods, and requires interactions with students in each class (such as classroom questions, discussions, students’ presentation on the stage, teacher comments, etc.).

V. Professional courses closely related to engineering practice and production process, required teachers to teach in combination with actual cases. For the various formulas and theorems appearing in the teaching, examples should be given to deuce and demonstrate, in order to strengthen students' interest and understanding of the course; For the knowledge that has already been learned in the previous courses, teachers should repeat or use questions to review the relevant content for students, so as to deepen their understanding and improve the efficiency of classroom learning.

VI. The college organizes lectures for evaluating classroom teaching every semester. Each on-duty teacher should listen to and evaluate each other at least once a semester. The head and deputy directors of both college and all departments should listen to and evaluate classroom teaching at least three times a semester, fill in the classroom teaching quality evaluation form, evaluate courses they listen to by scores, and put forward specific opinions and suggestions for improvement. Afterwards, it is preferably to have face-to-face communication with the teachers, to promote the quality of undergraduate classroom teaching.

VII. Every semester, the college organizes at least 20 targeted lectures, for experienced professors to check and listen to young teachers (especially those who are teaching for the first time) and the teachers with poor classroom teaching effect,  to evaluate their teaching quality, and put forward specific suggestions and methods; Then they attend lectures again to check their improvement effect, and promote their teaching level as soon as possible.

VIII. According to the evaluation results of students, peers and leaders (experts), the teachers who undertake undergraduate classroom teaching tasks will be rated in terms of teaching quality (divided into excellent, good, qualified and poor) every semester, which will be included in the personal assessment of each academic year, as the main basis for issuing various types of teaching awards, merit evaluation, promotion and job appointment; for teachers who have poor teaching effect and can’t be improved after repeated supervisons, the college will temporarily terminate their classroom teaching tasks. The unqualified teachers will be required to pass trial lectures and other examinations, before they are allowed to continue their classroom teaching tasks.

College of Materials Science and Engineering

Issued on November 18, 2014