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Rules and Regulations - Suggestions of Chongqing University on Strengthening the Training of Outstanding Students (Trial)

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In order to serve the university's goal of cultivating "people who can adapt to and manage the future", improve the quality of talent cultivation while providing a personalized development platform for outstanding students, improve and strengthen the cultivation of outstanding students in our university, the following opinions are hereby put forward.

I. Further clarify the cultivating objectives of outstanding students, and build a model of cultivating outstanding talents with our university's characteristics.

1. Focus on student’s development, promote the reform of education and teaching, establish an incentive mechanism for the growth of outstanding talents, actively explore and build an innovative talent cultivation model with rich characteristics of our university through teaching students according to their aptitude and personalized training, and provide a demonstration for the reform of the talent cultivation model of the whole university.

2. Relying on the major, through the special training and cultivation of outstanding students, turn them to innovative and outstanding talents with a sense of social responsibility and all-around development of "knowledge, ability and quality".

3. Promote a reasonable connection and integration between undergraduate and postgraduate education.

Ⅱ. Change the mindset and select outstanding students into the team of distinguished students without any prejudice.

Students who are law-abiding, actively participate in various collective activities and public welfare activities, have excellent overall quality and meet one of the following conditions can be selected as candidates of distingushed students. The number of distinguished students in the College is 5% of the number of students in the College's year.

1. With solid foundation, excellent academic performance, and in the top of their grade or major (in principle, grades are calculated by the average GPA of each academic year).

2. Focus on all-round development. Have a strong sense of innovation, good communication skills and practical and practical abilities. Have a certain scientific research potential or expertise, outstanding performance in academic activities, social practice activities and professional practice in their disciplines.

Ⅲ. Continue to improve the cultivation measures for distinguished students.

In addition to the contents of the teaching plan of the major, distinguished students will receive personalized training organized by the university and implemented by the college throughout their undergraduate study period.

1. Provide tutors.

The supervisory team of the college appoints teachers who are highly responsible, experienced in teaching and research, and qualified to supervise postgraduate students as tutors of distinguished students. In principle, each tutor shall supervise no more than three distinguished students.

(1) The supervisor will formulate a personalized training program and semester implementation plan according to the student's foundation, strengths and development direction, and other specific conditions.

(2) The tutor will guide the students to choose courses according to the personalized training program each semester, and regularly guide and check the students' studies and other conditions.

2. Strengthen the cultivation of quality and ability.

Through various forms of academic activities and interpersonal communication activities, such as lectures on humanities and science, exchanges and talks among distinguished students, the students will promote interpersonal care, mutual help and teamwork, and improve their communication and collaboration skills; through participation in exchange studies, academic conferences, study tours or internships in universities at home and abroad, they will expand their horizons and improve their domestic and international competitiveness; through entering the tutor's laboratory, participating in the tutor's project research and taking part in special innovative practical projects such as the National Undergraduates Innovative Experimental Program or Undergraduates Scientific Research Training Program (SRTP) of Chongqing University, the students will be stimulated and cultivated to have innovative thinking and scientific research ability.

3. Make full use of education and teaching resources to meet needs of personalized development.

Under the guidance of tutors, distinguished students can choose to take courses related to scientific research training, interests and specialties and postgraduate courses across majors and colleges; under the same conditions, distinguished students can be given priority in funding and recommended for applying for extracurricular activity funded projects such as SRTP, exchange student programs to study at other universities at home and abroad; They can borrow book in library as postgraduate students.

4. Encourage distinguished students to further postgraduate studies, with special channel separated from the regular one. The number of the college's exemption quota for distinguished students is allocated to be 1-2% of the number of students in the college's year, which is used by the college as a whole.

5. Implement the project management and increase the investment in the cultivation of distinguished students. The cultivation of distinguished students is financially supported by the special funding for the cultivation of "985" undergraduate top innovative talents in the university.

Ⅳ. Establish & improve the training mechanism, and strengthen the process management of cultivating distinguished students.

1. The cultivation of distinguished students is jointly managed by the university and the college. The Academic Affairs Office of the university guides and coordinates the cultivation of distinguished students, while each college is responsible for the specific training, daily management and development tracking of distinguished students after graduation.

2. A quit system is applied to distinguished students. During the cultivation period, the faculty will screen the students who are included in the training for distinguished students according to the specific conditions, and those who meet the conditions will retain the status; those who have fully completed the cultivation process of distinguished students after assessment will be awarded the honorary title of "Distinguished Students of Chongqing University" and certificates upon graduation.

Under any of the following circumstances, the qualification of distinguished students will be abolished:

(1) Being warned or punished from the university.

(2) Voluntarily quit from the training of distinguished student with the consent of the college.

(3) The college considers that he/she is not suitable to continue the further training as a distinguished student.

If the college determines that the student is not suitable for further training as a distinguished student, the college can select additional outstanding students for training as distinguished students while keeping the ratio of distinguished students.

3. The selection and allocation of the distinguished student candidates will be carried out in the third semester of each grade and completed by the tenth week of that academic year. The results of the assessment will be reported to the Academic Affairs Office for the record.

V. Establishing an assessment mechanism to promote the implementation of distinguished students training.

1. The university will strengthen the coordination of the cultivation of distinguished students and encourage the colleges to innovate the cultivation of distinguished students and actively explore effective ways to personalize the cultivation of students.

2. The college is the main body for training distinguished students. Colleges should formulate their own rules and regulations for the cultivation of distinguished students, taking into account the characteristics of their majors, and strengthen the process management of the cultivation of distinguished students. The work of teachers in supervising distinguished students should be included in the assessment of teachers' public service, and be taken as an important index for personal annual assessment, evaluation of professional titles and selection of excellence, so as to promote the comprehensive implementation and promotion of the work of cultivating distinguished students.