Undergraduate Program
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System for Professors and Associate Professors to Give Undergraduate Students Lectures in College of Materials Science and Engineering

In order to implement the "Several Opinions on Strengthening Undergraduate Teaching and Improving Teaching Quality in Colleges and Universities " issued by the Ministry of Education, which states that "in principle, professors and associate professors under 55 years of age should teach at least one course for undergraduate students every academic year, and if they do not obey the university's arrangement to teach undergraduate courses for two consecutive years without special reasons, they can no longer be appointed as professors and associate professors", to strengthen the teaching of basic undergraduate courses, to improve the level of undergraduate teaching, and advocate and encourage professors and associate professors to take the podium, this regulation is hereby formulated.

1. All teachers who have obtained the titles of professor and associate professor must teach undergraduate courses every year. They can exempt from lecturing, in case of special circumstances, that the reasons were submitted in advance and approved by the leader of the college.

2. In principle, professors and associate professors under the age of 55 must teach at least one course for undergraduate students each academic year. If there is no special reason, those who refuse to teach undergraduate courses arranged by the university for two consecutive years, can no longer be employed as professors or associate professors.

3. Teachers who fail to meet the basic workload and quality requirements of undergraduate courses’ teaching, cannot be appointed as professors or associate professors.

4. For teachers with poor teaching achievements and great negative response from students, recommendations can be forwarded to relevant departments to temporarily cancel their teaching qualifications for replacement in a timely manner, according to relevant regulations.