1982.9—1986.6 重庆大学冶金及材料工程系金属材料专业学习,获工学学士学位;
1989.9—1992.6 重庆大学冶金及材料工程系金属压力加工专业学习,获工学硕士学位;
1995.9—2000.6 重庆大学材料科学与工程学院材料学专业学习,获工学博士学位
1992.7—1989.8 西南铝加工厂研究所,任助理工程师;
1992.7至今 重庆大学材料科学与工程学院,曾任讲师、副教授,现任教授、博士生导师
2003.6—2004.6 加拿大McGill大学材料工程系,访问学者
(3) 国家重点研发计划课题,高性能铝合金大规格挤压材制造与应用的基础研究,2016-2020
(8) 国家高技术研究发展计划项目,新型轻质高性能铝锂合金工业化制备与应用,2013-2016
(10) 重庆市科技项目,航空航天用高性能高强铝合金关键技术及产业化,2010-2012
(1)Zhang, Chenghang; Huang, Guangjie;Liu, Qing.Research on local corrosion behavior of thermo-mechanically, Intermetallics, 2021, 130: 107081.
(2)Zhang, Chenghang; Huang, Guangjie;Liu, Qing.Quantitative analysis of grain structure and texture evolution of dissimilar AA2024/7075 joints manufactured by friction stir welding,Materiala Today Communication,2021,26:101920.
(3)Zhang, Chenghang; Huang, Guangjie; Cao, Yu; Li, Qilei; Zhu, Yulong; Huang, Xinde,Liu, Qing.Investigation on microstructure and localized corrosion behavior in the stir zone of dissimilar friction stir welded AA2024/7075 joint. Journal of Materials Science, 2020, 55(30): 15005-15032.
(4)Zhang, Chenghang; Huang, Guangjie;Zhang, Deyin;Sun, Zhengqi;Liu, Qing.Microstructure and mechanical properties in dissimilar friction stir welded AA2024/7075 joints at high heat input: effect of post-weld heat treatment, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2020,9:14771-14782
(5) Zhang, Chenghang; Huang, Guangjie; Cao, Yu; Zhu, Yulong; Li, Wei; Liu, Qing;Microstructure and mechanical properties of dissimilar friction stir welded AA2024-7075 joints: Influence of joining material direction, Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, 2019, 766: 569-573.
(6) Zhang,Chenghang; Huang, Guangjie;Cao,Yu; Wu, Xiaodong; Huang, Xinde; Liu, Qing;Optimization of Tensile and Corrosion Properties of Dissimilar Friction Stir Welded AA2024-7075 Joints,Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance,2019,28(1):183-199.
(7) Deng Yanjun; Bai Jianhui; Wu Xiaodong; Huang Guangjie; Cao Lingfei;Huang Li;Investigation on formation mechanism of T-1 precipitate in an Al-Cu-Li alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017,723: 661-666.
(8) Huang Li; Huang Guangjie; Xin Yunchang; Cao Lingfei; Wu Xiaodong; Jia Zhihong; Li Qilei; Liu Qing*;Tailoring the microstructure and mechanical properties of the final Al-Mn foils by different intermediate annealing process,Journal of Materials Science & Technology,2017,33(9): 961-970.
(9) Huang Li; Huang Guangjie*; Cao Lingfei*; Wu Xiaodong; Jia Zhihong; Xia Mingyong;;Liu Qing*;Influence of pre-recovery on the subsequent recrystallization and mechanical properties of a twin-roll cast Al-Mn alloy,Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, 2017,682:63-72.
(10) Pan, Shiwei; Huang, Xinde; Xin,Yunchang;Huang, Guangjie; Li, Qi; Tan, Chaolan; Liu,Qing; The effect of hot rolling regime on texture and mechanical properties of an as-cast Mg-2Zn-2Gd plate, Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing,2018, 731: 288-295.